How Often Should You Have Your Windows Cleaned? A Seasonal Guide

Home & Business Care Guide

If you have the privilege of living and working in the Mile High City, you want to enjoy those stunning views year-round! Yet, that means you need to have your windows cleaned regularly, with the schedule changing slightly according to the season. 

Denver’s semi-arid climate means windows attract plenty of dust, not to mention the occasional lashings of rain and snow. Let’s examine each season and how to plan your window-washing schedule for the year.

Spring: Start the Year Off Right

After a long winter, Denver windows can accumulate a layer of dirt and grime. Road salt spray, dust storms, and even residue from holiday decorations can leave them dull and streaky. Here are two reasons why spring is the perfect time to schedule a window cleaning session:

  • Pollen Patrol: March, April, and May usually bring a blanket of pollen, especially from oak trees and Kentucky bluegrass. Regular cleaning helps prevent pollen build-up, which can be a nightmare for allergy sufferers. You may want to consider a thorough clean at the start of spring, followed by a maintenance clean each month.
  • Window Washing Weather: With warmer temperatures, spring offers ideal conditions for window cleaning. The water evaporates quickly, minimizing the risk of water spots.

Summer: Sun’s Out, Streaks Out

Denver’s sunny summers bring their own set of window woes. Here’s what to consider:

  • Mineral Buildup: The intense sunshine can bake mineral deposits from hard water onto your windows. Regular cleaning prevents these deposits from becoming permanent and etching the glass.
  • Bird Droppings: Let’s face it, birds don’t discriminate. Their droppings look awful, and their acid can eat away at window coatings. 

Plus, summer is the best time of year to take in those glorious mountain views, so don’t let dust, dirt, and droppings get in your way!

Fall: The Season of Flying Debris

When the fall arrives, Denver experiences its fair share of windblown debris. Fall window cleaning can be beneficial for:

  • Removing leaf debris: Falling leaves and dust can quickly coat your windows with a layer of grime, distorting your views.
  • Preparing for winter: A pre-winter cleaning removes any residual dirt or debris that could trap moisture and potentially freeze. This could cause damage to window frames or seals.

Winter: Enjoy Clear Views Amidst the Snow

While Denver enjoys relatively dry winters, snow and rain can leave their mark during the winter. Toward the end of the winter, schedule a cleaning to:

  • Remove snow melt stains: Snow can leave unsightly mineral stains and streaks on your windows.
  • Prepare for gatherings: You want your home to look its best when you invite guests over, so schedule a cleaning to keep it in tip-top shape.

Your Year-Round Denver Window Cleaning Solution

For most homeowners, a quarterly clean can help keep windows bright throughout the years. Yet, whatever schedule you choose to keep your windows looking pristine year-round, S.W.A.T. Services has the solution for you.

We offer a range of window cleaning services to suit your needs, including:

  • Exterior only
  • Exterior and interior
  • All-inclusive, incorporating screen, track, sill, and frame cleaning

Ready to get an estimate? Inquire using our online form or call us at 720-595-0998 to learn more and schedule a visit.

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